"... to the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet" (Proverbs 27:7)

Friday, April 16, 2010

Total Security..

Interestingly, there are only three "arks" spoken of in all of Scripture, and ALL of them were a place of shelter and safety. Is this a coincidence? Of course not. The ark of Noah secured those within it from the out poured wrath of God; the ark of bulrushes (Exod 2:3) protected the young Moses from the murderous schemes of Pharaoh, who was a type of Satan - seeking the death of the manchild; And the ark of the covenant sheltered the two tablets of stone on which were inscribed the commandments of God. Each ark points us to Jesus, and as we combine the three we can see that, in Christ Jesus, the believer is sheltered from the wrath of God, the assault of Satan, and the condemnation of the Law.

For now, I want to observe the first ark recorded: Noah's ark. There are many things that can be said of this ark: it is a type of Christ Jesus, it is a type of salvation, it possesses eschatological significance (which we have seen a few days ago), etc. But for now I want to see it's aspect of total security, as a type of our salvation. Just as the ark was watertight and secure from the rains of God's judgement, even so our salvation is similarly secure. Just as it was the ark itself that bore the harsh weather of wrath, even so Jesus Himself bore wrath in our stead, keeping us sheltered and hidden in His wounded side! How glorious! How merciful of Him!

But we have not entered this ark only to flippantly exit. Rather, we are secure here, until the indignation be passed! This ark is totally secure; our salvation too, is totally secure, even "eternal" in Him, its Author (Heb 5:9). Observe it's totality of security with me..

- It was pitched "within and without with pitch" (Gen 6:14).

This was to act as a sealant; therefore, the ark would be watertight. No harsh rains above, nor any ferocious floods beneath could succeed in overcoming the strength and security of this pitch. The inhabitants were to be dry, until the indignation be over. They were secure. They were hid inside the ark of God, just as we are "hid with Christ in God" (Col 3:3).

Ironically, one of the Hebrew words used here for "pitch" is "kopher", which means, "a cover, a coating; a redemptive price"! This word is translated "ransom" 8 times in the Old Testament. Similarly, the "pitch" of our salvation has ransomed us from the wrath to come! The blood of Jesus is our ransom and covering! "Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many" (Matt 20:28). Aren't you grateful!

- God shut them in: "And they that went in, went in male and female of all flesh, as God had commanded him: and the LORD shut him in" (Gen 7:16).

This is interesting. Even if the ark's inhabitants wanted to escape the safety of God's provision from wrath, they wouldn't be able to. Their care was no longer their burden or concern! Noah and his family did not have to take care of themselves, or continue to add pitch to the door. Rather, having entered the ark by the sovereignty of God, He was now 100% responsible for their preservation! And so it is with those of us who have fled to the Lord Jesus for refuge. We are "kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time" (1 Pet 1:5).

- The inhabitants were preserved: "And Noah went forth, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him: Every beast, every creeping thing, and every fowl, and whatsoever creepeth upon the earth, after their kinds, went forth out of the ark" (Gen 8:18-19).

Such is the fruit of God's deliverance from His wrath. Noah and his family, as well as the animals, were thrust out of the ark one year later. All who had entered the ark had been miraculously preserved, none had perished by the flood! The ark's inhabitants were simply onlookers to a destruction-swept earth. They themselves were hidden and preserved the whole time. Thank you Jesus!

What a wonderful God we serve! He truly has shut us in! Only He can rightly say, "Of them which thou gavest Me have I lost none" (Jn 18:9).

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