"... to the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet" (Proverbs 27:7)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A Godly Theme..

"Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and His wife hath made herself ready" (Rev 19:7).

Friend, it is no coincidence that these words are found at the close of God's holy Book. For these words, in a nutshell, encompass God's whole plan and desire with mankind! These words tell of the great Godly crescendo that will soon culminate in His people. These words speak of redemption's purpose, redemption's aim, and redemption's goal! It is no coincidence that John concluded his vision with a beautiful description of the New Jerusalem, "prepared as a bride adorned for her husband" (Rev 21:2-22:5). Because this is the crowning moment in human history! This is the ultimate of what God has said. Notice that immediately after this bride is revealed, the Scriptures testify that "It is done" (Rev 21:6). At this event, our salvific culmination will have been achieved. Our "expected end" will have occurred (Jer 29:11). Everything and anything that has happened in the past, is happening in the present, or will happen in the future is pointing toward this great and joyous conclusion: The marriage of the Lamb!

Interestingly, the Song of Solomon has also been called "The Song of all Songs" (1:1). This excites me considering the great theme that plays out in this small book of the Bible. The theme of the Song of Solomon is the bridal call of God, and the aim of the Song of Solomon is utter devotion to Jesus and radical intimacy with Him. This theme is the Song of all Songs; the story of all stories, the theme of all themes. In other words, out of everything that could be said about Jesus, creation, the Godhead, etc, the one thing that is at the pinnacle of our faith is this theme of bridal redemption. God is looking for a bride for His precious Son; He is seeking those who sincerely desire a monogamous relationship (2 Co 11:2)! He is seeking bonsdervants! Again, this is the very purpose, aim and goal of our salvation (Eph 5:25-27, 32). How wonderful that Solomon asked God for wisdom, and he, in turn, ends up beautifully writing about the greatest truth ever to unfold to the human heart!

How appropriate then, that concerning this bridal purpose, the Psalmist writes "...My heart overflows with a pleasing THEME... at your right hand stands the QUEEN in gold of Ophir" (Ps 45:1, 9; ESV). This bridal purpose, aim and goal of redemption is the very THEME of all of Scripture!

Considering that this is indeed the theme of Christianity, I wonder why we don't hear about it more often? With this knowledge in mind, shouldn't we devote our time and energy to what encompasses the latter part of our opening verse? "...AND His wife hath made herself ready".

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