"... to the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet" (Proverbs 27:7)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Talking and Listening ..

This sermon snippet caught my eye this morning.. So, I thought I'd share:

"Jesus answered and said, I thank Thee, O Father" (Matt 11:25).

It was the habit and life of Jesus to talk with God. May we likewise have silent fellowship with the Father, so that often we may answer Him, and though the world knows not to whom we speak, may we be responding to that secret voice unheard of any other ear, which our own ear, opened by the Spirit of God, recognizes with joy. What a privilege is intimate communion with the Father of our spirits! It is a secret hidden from the world, a joy with which even the nearest friend intermeddleth not. This very day may our hearts be in such a state, that when God speaks to us, we, like Jesus, may be prepared at once to answer Him.

- C.H.S.

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