"... to the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet" (Proverbs 27:7)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Hope ..

In my humble opinion, one of the greatest obstacles to overcome in the Christian life is this issue of WAITING. For me this can be trying; I'm sort of an "instant gratification" kind of guy (not proud of it either). We know from Scripture that we will one day be completed and perfected, but we do not presently see this as a modern reality. I often feel like I'm on a long car trip, with "HOPE" road signs passing by, yet never coming to the intended and expected exit! Did I get lost on the way to my intended off ramp? To top it off, when we screw up and do something ungodly we are condemnded at the fact that we haven't yet arrived to our sinless and spotless destiny! If I didn't know bettwe, it would seem like somewhat of a catch 22!

Ephesians 2 speaks of this holy temple that the Lord is building: "In whom [Christ] all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord" (vs. 21). Notice is says "groweth" (present tense), not "has grown" (past tense). We are presently on this journey.. taking root downward, in hopes of bearing fruit upward. We are hoping.. waiting.. and waiting some more.

This used to discourage me, and even caused me to use such a "waiting room" as an excuse to sin. But then I came across a verse of Scripture that put it all in divine perspective: "An inheritance may be gotten hastily at the beginning; but the end thereof shall not be blessed" (Prov 20:21). The Knox translation says, "an inheritance too soon come by..."

You see, part of our growth into this holy temple God is building is overcoming the growth process itself. Sounds confusing maybe, but think of it this way: A dwelling suddenly raised is often as suddenly ruined! This is why the Holy Spirit devotes such time, energy and dedication into building and perfecting this holy temple (See Isa 28:9-10). This is why He never fails to woo us to repentance and surrender. He has a job to do. The paint on our proverbial walls must not be chipped; the rafters in the ceiling mustn't be splintered; there must not be any rodents in our basements; the foundation must be sure (See Ps 11:3). The King of glory deserves nothing less, don't you agree? With that perspective, I'm more than willing to allow the Holy Ghost to SLOWLY yet COMPLETELY change me, even from glory to glory (2 Cor 3:18). This point of view will help us not to despise the "making process", even if it's lengthy and repetitive (See Rev 19:7 and Lk 8:15). Let's be encouraged and heed the admonition of Jesus: "In your patience, possess ye your souls" (Lk 21:19).

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