"... to the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet" (Proverbs 27:7)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Effective Evangelism..

I'm sure we all know people who are in desperate need of Jesus, be they in our families, neighborhoods, schools, jobs, etc. Some of us, like myself, may be surrounded by unsaved people every day. If that's the case, count yourself lucky to have a daily chance to shine! In dealing with such people, it can often be difficult. They don't possess the same church lingo as you, they often have vastly differing values, and they even sometimes have a pre-conceived idea of everything you stand for as a Christian! To our flesh, it almost seems useless to talk about Jesus and His saving grace; But we know better than that. Thankfully, the Bible actually presents us with detailed and divinely inspired methodology for effective evangelism; all you have to do is look carefully! It presents us with the very mode and method that the early church used to minister to the lost; all we must do is closely examine their words and practice. Sadly, so many important truths are lost from our Bible reading simply because we've "already read that story", or hurriedly rush to complete it, as if it's some laborious task. Such instances birth ignorant Christianity: people doing things a certain way simply because a man or woman told them that's how they're to be done. But I encourage you to sit quietly and glean from God's wisdom yourself; personally listen for His voice, you just may see something you never have before! One such case, is regarding the evangelistic methods used by the apostle Paul. It's pretty interesting...

Acts 20:17-21 "And from Miletus he sent to Ephesus, and called the elders of the church. And when they were come to him, he said unto them, Ye know, from the first day that I came into Asia, after what manner I have been with you at all seasons, Serving the Lord with all humility of mind, and with many tears, and temptations, which befell me by the lying in wait of the Jews: And how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you, but have shewed you, and have taught you publickly, and from house to house, Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ."

Observe with me the very tools and methods that were continually utilized by this great man of God... Surely these truths are not recorded in vain...

(1) "from the first day that I came into Asia"... Paul did not procrastinate. He knew the seriousness of a decision for Christ. Eternity is a stake, there's no time to waste. This attitude of fervency will greatly effect our evangelism. I've even heard of one preacher who refused to go to bed at night until he had personally led someone to Jesus! Rev 22:20 says, "He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus."

(2) "with all humility of mind"... Paul was a man of debased pride. His past as a persecutor of Christians surely contributed to this new found humility (1 Cor 15:9). He was a strong believer that his sufficiency was of God (2 Cor 3:5). Effective evangelism simply cannot exist apart from a broken and humbled heart. The last thing the nations need to see is a pompous and arrogant "Christian" prancing around like a peacock in a three-piece suit. A Christian acquaintance of mine was recently proudly telling me that his talent and skill on the guitar was what the nations needed to be won! He used this reasoning as a justification why he knew so much about music, yet so very little about the kingdom of God. How preposterous!

(3) "and with many tears"... Paul was clearly a man of great compassion (2 Cor 2:4). His heart for people was exemplary. And not only that, his heart for Jesus too. A man after God's own heart will most always be a man who is desperate to see people come forth in the earth. Not only for the people's sake, but for Jesus' sake too: "the Lord's portion is His people" (Deut 32:9)! Paul had such a compassionate heart, and desperately wanted the nations to come to God. Do we have this vehement desire?

(4) "and temptations"... Paul was a man who had control over his carnality. He recognized the importance of acknowledging it's power and existence (Rom 7:17-24), but also knew of the grace which enabled him to overcome (Rom 7:25; 8:1). Any fruit-bearing ministry will be one that decreases in the image of self, and increases in the image of God (Jn 3:30). The world has seen enough of us lifted up with pride. Any fruit-bearing ministry will be one which recognizes it's own weaknesses, and humbly asks God for grace to grow.

(5) "I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you"... Paul, in this same chapter, declared, "For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God" (vs. 27). Paul wasn't shaken by the various doctrinal disagreements of his day. He knew the Gospel, and preached it wholeheartedly (1 Cor 15:3). He didn't waver or purposely leave out certain aspects of truth for his own personal gain or approval. How many evangelistic ventures have failed simply because we were trying to birth Baptists, Catholics or Pentecostals, rather than just "Christians" and lovers of God? Are we to win souls in the name of the Baptist church? Of course not; We need to be kingdom-minded. God help us!

(6) "have taught you publickly, and from house to house"... Paul was always in close contact with people. How can a man shepherd if he is afraid of contact with sheep? Paul's great compassion would have been in vain had he not constantly been around people with whom to share it with. Simply put, if you do not love people, you are not fit for the ministry!

(7) "Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks"... Paul was not prejudiced. In fact, he rebuked those who were. If we are biased, even subtly, toward the nations, how can we ever genuinely minister God's love to the nations?

(8) "repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ"... And finally, Paul didn't preach a "greasy Gospel". He didn't water down the message to increase the number of converts. He consistently confirmed the need for true repentance from sins and faith toward God and His glorious Lamb!

These are just some of the methods Paul used in his journeys. He was such a man of God, and such a great example for us who too desire effective ministry!

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